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  • MNH-51X
  • MNH-52X
  • MNH-53-branch
  • MNH-54-branch
  • MNH-54X-dev-IO
  • MNH-54X-dev-OPENACC
  • MNH-54X-dev-SFX81
  • MNH-55-branch
  • MNH-55-branch-ecrad140
  • MNH-55X-dev-IO
  • MNH-55X-dev-OPENACC
  • MNH-55X-dev-SFX9
  • MNH-55X-dev-modern
  • MNH-56-branch
  • MNH-56-dev-PHYEX
  • MNH-561-dev
  • MNH-56X-SFX9
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-1
  • MESONH-v55-OpenACC
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-2
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-02-ELEC
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-1
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-01-PHYEX_v0.6.3
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-00-SURFEX_V9-0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-0-03_PHYEX-v0.3.0
40 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.014Sep13121087654131Aug30292824222120161074328Jul2726252420191713127654330Jun29282726232221201916151413129872131May3026252423221716151211109330Apr28272625242120191716141312117654331Mar292827242322212017161514131098763228Feb27242321201716151413109Merge branch 'mesonh_dev_0.4.1'Philippe 14/09/2023: flyers (minor): remove some commentsQuentin 14/09/2023: small bugfix forgot at PHYEX merge, modif of phys_param from commit dbc3d17e4e34 16/08/2023 in MNH repoQuentin 14/09/2023: bugfix PFIELD must be a TARGET in arglist_ll_phy as in arglist_llS. Riette 13 Sept 2023: solves issue #21Merge branch 'master' into mesonh_dev_0.4.1Philippe 13/09/2023: profilers: do computation only if profiler is locally presentPhilippe 14/04/2023: XCURRENT_ZWS: not used => comment itQuentin 16/08/2023: PHYEX bugfix LES diag, time dimension was not defined properly. Impacts all LES diag on clear/neb/cs1/cs2/cs3 variables since 5.6.0Quentin 03/08/2023: bugfix must call ADD3DFIELD_ll instead on 2D in tke_eps_sources: creation of an unpacking interfacePhilippe 28/07/2023: minor: remove personal comments (some commited by error)Philippe 01/06/2023: PHYEX: PWSV was not computed (most of the time) if there are flyers (PWSV is needed by flyers)Philippe 14/04/2023: initialize ZZ_LSFACT and ZZ_LVFACTPhilippe 31/03/2023: fix previous commit d2431bcePhilippe 31/03/2023: bugfix: rename TKE variables due to name collision with TP variable from SURFEXPhilippe 17/03/2023: bugfix: protect operations on optional dummy argumentsS. Riette 12 Sept 2023: add documentation for keys needed in the model and in the physicsS. Riette 12 Sept 2023: new ref for the testprogsS. Riette 12 Sept 2023: solves #26Philippe 12/09/2023: remove key MNH_PGI (not useful anymore, was to workaround an bug in very old version of PGI compiler)S. Riette 12 Sept 2023: small bf for lima initS. Riette 12 Sept 2023: BF for LMDZ compilationS. Riette 12 Sept 2023: remove echoing of the tests listMerge branch 'MNH-56-branch' into MNH-56X-SFX9PACK-MNH-V5-7-0…PACK-MNH-V5-7-00-SURFEX_V9-0 MNH-56X-SFX9Revert "Robert Schoetter : writing per vegtype"Quentin 12/09/2023: bf of commit e43073f (NSPLIT name already exist, it was changed to NTURBSPLIT) + XCEI is an array and is not read by the NAMELIST, fix also the write issue of NAM_TURB on testprogsQuentin 12/09/2023: SURFEX add ifdef around OVERTSHIFT. Must be TRUE with MesoNH (otherwise, surface variables are interpolated with respect to the orography of the input GRIB at PREP). But must stay False for offlineMerge branch 'MNH-56-branch' into develop-56Philippe 08/09/2023: adapt compilation and run tests for Adastra (on CPU Genoa nodes)Philippe 08/09/2023: sensors: add dry air density Rhod for flyers and stations (was already available for profilers)Pierre-Antoine J. 08/09/2023: bugfix Actuator Line model, tip loss correction : flow angle evaluationQuentin 08/09/2023: remove had fixes on LE and H fluxes because of violent spinup of TEB in some cases (the original problem must be fixed properlyRevert "Removing abort to be able to run DIFF and ECOSG; abort may have be refined"Jean W. 07/09/2023: integration SURFEX v9 bugfix must TRIM YSUFFIX to keep len(hrec) = MNH_LEN_HREC = 16 for mnh/surfexPhilippe 06/09/2023: unset MAKEFLAGS in all job_make_examples_* jobs (to prevent problems with multiple commands launched in parallel if MAKEFLAGS='-j xx' previously set)Quentin 05/09/2023: update 5.6.1 for jobs, configure, version, A-INSTALL + remove one print on modd_sensor.f90Philippe 05/09/2023: OpenACC: add directives for RAD_BOUNDMerge branch 'MNH-55X-dev-OPENACC' into MNH-55X-dev-OPENACC-FFTPhilippe 01/09/2023: IO: bugfix: fix a memory leak for Z-split filesMNH-55-branchMNH-55-branchPhilippe 01/09/2023: IO: bugfix: fix a memory leak for Z-split files