# PHYEX plugging documentation
The PHYEX parameterizations can be called from the Meso-NH and AROME models, from
test programs and from a driver.
This document is intended for developers who want to plug in the physics in a new model or program.
This document is written using the markdown "language". With pandoc, it can be converted to HTML (pandoc -s \<filename\>.md -o \<filename\>.html) or PDF (pandoc -s \<filename\>.md -o \<filename\>.pdf).
The folowing routines are identified as the interface of the physics:
- lima\_adjust
- ice\_adjust
- shallow\_mf
- turb
- lima, lima\_warm, lima\_cold and lima\_mixed
- rain\_ice, rain\_ice\_old
- ini\_\* **TODO: list the different ini subroutine needed**
This interface is declared in the corresponding modi\_\* files.
The code provided in the common directory is independent, it can be compiled and used without
dependency except the [fiat package](
For more interaction with the hosting model, some subroutine can receive a specific implementation.
The following codes already have specific implementations for the Meso-NH and AROME models and are therefore
quite likely to receive a new implementation before plugging into another host model.
- mode\_budget: to store and/or compute statistics on variable tendencies
- mode\_msg: to print messages and abort on error