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Commit 363b4564 authored by RODIER Quentin's avatar RODIER Quentin
Browse files

Quentin 26/03/2021: add a new python3.7 library to plot KTEST

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Feb 25 11:25:31 2021
@author: rodierq
import copy
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
import numpy as np
import math
def convert_date(datesince, time_in_sec):
return str(time_in_sec) + datesince[:33]
class mean_operator():
def MYM(self,var):
ny = var.shape[1]
out = copy.deepcopy(var)
for j in range(ny-1):
out[:,j,:] = (var[:,j,:] + var[:,j+1,:])*0.5
return out
def MXM(self,var):
nx = var.shape[2]
out = copy.deepcopy(var)
for i in range(nx-1):
out[:,:,i] = (var[:,:,i] + var[:,:,i+1])*0.5
return out
def MZM(self,var):
nz = var.shape[0]
out = copy.deepcopy(var)
for k in range(nz-1):
out[k,:,:] = (var[k,:,:] + var[k+1,:,:])*0.5
return out
def windvec_verti_proj(u, v, lvl, angle):
Compute the projected horizontal wind vector on an axis with a given angle w.r.t. the x/ni axes (West-East)
Arguments :
- u : U-wind component
- v : V-wind component
- angle (radian) of the new axe w.r.t the x/ni axes (West-East). angle = 0 for (z,x) sections, angle=pi/2 for (z,y) sections
Returns :
- a 3D wind component projected on the axe to be used with Panel_Plot.vector as Lvar1
out = copy.deepcopy(u)
for k in range(len(lvl)):
out[k,:,:] = u[k,:,:]*math.cos(angle) + v[k,:,:]*math.sin(angle)
return out
def oblique_proj(var, ni, nj, lvl, i_beg, j_beg, i_end, j_end):
Compute an oblique projection of a 3D variable w.r.t. its axes
Arguments :
- var : 3D var to project (example THT)
- ni : 1D x-axe of the 3D dimension
- nj : 1D y-axe of the 3D dimension
- level : 1D level variable (level or level_w)
- i_beg, j_beg : coordinate of the begin point of the new axe
- i_end, j_end : coordinate of the end point of the new axe
Returns :
- a 2D (z,m) variable projected on the oblique axe
- a 1D m new axe (distance from the beggining point)
- the angle (radian) of the new axe w.r.t the x/ni axes (West-East)
dist_seg=np.sqrt((i_end-i_beg)**2.0 + (j_end-j_beg)**2.0) # Distance de la section oblique m
out_var = np.zeros((len(lvl),int(dist_seg)+1)) # Initialisation du nouveau champs projeté dans la coupe (z,m)
axe_m = np.zeros(int(dist_seg)+1) #Axe des abscisses qui sera tracé selon la coupe
axe_m_coord = [] #Coordonnées x,y des points qui composent l'axe
axe_m_coord.append( (ni[i_beg],nj[j_beg]) ) #Le premier point est celui donné par l'utilisateur
for m in range(int(dist_seg)): #Discrétisation selon distance de la coupe / int(distance_de_la_coupe)
axe_m_coord.append( (axe_m_coord[0][0] + (ni[i_end]-ni[i_beg])/(int(dist_seg))*(m+1),
axe_m_coord[0][1] + (nj[j_end]-nj[j_beg])/(int(dist_seg))*(m+1) ))
axe_m[m+1] = np.sqrt((ni[i_beg]-axe_m_coord[m+1][0])**2 + (nj[j_beg]-axe_m_coord[m+1][1])**2)
for k in range(len(lvl)):
a=RectBivariateSpline(ni, nj,var[k,:,:],kx=1,ky=1) #Interpolation par niveau à l'ordre 1 pour éviter des valeurs négatives de champs strictement > 0
for m in range(int(dist_seg)+1):
out_var[k,m] = a.ev(axe_m_coord[m][0],axe_m_coord[m][1]) # La fonction ev de RectBivariate retourne la valeur la plus proche du point considéré
angle_proj = math.acos((ni[i_end]-ni[i_beg])/axe_m[-1])
return angle_proj, out_var, axe_m
def comp_altitude1DVar(oneVar2D, orography, ztop, level, n_xory):
Compute and returns an altitude and x or y grid mesh variable in 2D following the topography in 1D
To be used with 2D simulations
Arguments :
- oneVar2D : a random netCDF 2D var (example UT, THT)
- orography : 1D orography (ZS)
- ztop : scalar of the top height of the model (ZTOP)
- level : 1D level variable (level or level_w)
- n_xory: : 1D directionnal grid variable (ni_u, nj_u, ni_v or nj_v)
Returns :
- a 2D altitude variable with topography taken into account
- a 2D directionnal variable
n_xory_2D = copy.deepcopy(oneVar2D)
altitude = copy.deepcopy(oneVar2D)
for i in range(len(level)):
n_xory_2D[i,:] = n_xory
for j in range(len(n_xory)):
for k in range(len(level)):
altitude[k,j] = orography[j] + level[k]*((ztop-orography[j])/ztop)
return altitude, n_xory_2D
def comp_altitude2DVar(oneVar3D, orography, ztop, level, n_y, n_x):
Compute and returns an altitude and x or y grid mesh variable in 3D following the topography in 2D
To be used with 3D simulations in cartesian coordinates
Arguments :
- oneVar3D : a random netCDF 3D var (example UT, THT)
- orography : 2D orography (ZS)
- ztop : scalar of the top height of the model (ZTOP)
- level : 1D level variable (level or level_w)
- n_xory: : 1D directionnal grid variable (ni_u, nj_u, ni_v or nj_v)
Returns :
- a 3D altitude variable with topography taken into account
- a 3D directionnal variable
n_x3D = copy.deepcopy(oneVar3D)
n_y3D = copy.deepcopy(oneVar3D)
altitude = copy.deepcopy(oneVar3D)
for i in range(len(level)):
n_y3D[i,:] = n_y
n_x3D[i,:] = n_x
for i in range(oneVar3D.shape[2]):
for j in range(oneVar3D.shape[1]):
for k in range(len(level)):
altitude[k,j,i] = orography[j,i] + level[k]*((ztop-orography[j,i])/ztop)
return altitude, n_x3D, n_y3D
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 22 10:29:13 2021
@author: rodierq
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
def read_netcdf(LnameFiles, Dvar_input, path='.', removeHALO=True):
Dvar = {}
for i,nameFiles in enumerate(LnameFiles):
f_nb = 'f' + str(i+1)
print('Reading file ' + f_nb)
print(path + nameFiles)
if '000' in nameFiles[-6:-3]: #time series file (diachronic)
theFile = nc.Dataset(path + nameFiles,'r')
if theFile['MASDEV'][0] <= 54:
read_TIMESfiles_54(theFile, f_nb, Dvar_input, Dvar)
else : # 55 groups variables
read_TIMESfiles_55(theFile, f_nb, Dvar_input, Dvar, removeHALO)
read_BACKUPfile(nameFiles, f_nb, Dvar_input, Dvar, path=path, removeHALO=removeHALO)
return Dvar #Return the dic of [files][variables]
def read_BACKUPfile(nameF, ifile, Dvar_input, Dvar_output, path='.', removeHALO=True):
theFile = nc.Dataset(path + nameF,'r')
Dvar_output[ifile] = {} #initialize dic for each files
# Reading date since beginning of the model run
Dvar_output[ifile]['date'] = theFile.variables['time'].units
Dvar_output[ifile]['time'] = theFile.variables['time'][0]
for var in Dvar_input[ifile]: #For each files
# Read variables
n_dim = theFile.variables[var].ndim
name_dim = theFile.variables[var].dimensions
# print(var + " n_dim = " + str(n_dim))
if (n_dim ==0) or (n_dim == 1 and 'time' in name_dim): #Scalaires or Variable time
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0].data
if removeHALO:
if n_dim == 1:
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][1:-1] #Variables 1D
elif n_dim == 2:
if theFile.variables[var].shape[0] == 1 and 'size' in name_dim[1]: #Variables 2D with the second dimension not a coordinate (--> list of strings : chemicals)
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,:] #Variables 2D
elif theFile.variables[var].shape[0] == 1: #Variables 2D with first dim = 0
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,1:-1] #Variables 2D
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][1:-1,1:-1] #Variables 2D
elif n_dim == 5: #Variables time, sizeXX, level, nj, ni (ex: chemical budgets in 3D)
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0, :, 1:-1,:1:-1,1:-1]
elif n_dim == 4 and 'time' in name_dim and ('level' in name_dim or 'level_w' in name_dim): # time,z,y,x
if theFile.variables[var].shape[1] == 1: #Variables 4D time,z,y,x with time=0 z=0
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,0,1:-1,1:-1] #Variables 2D y/x
elif theFile.variables[var].shape[2] == 1: #Variable 2D (0,zz,0,xx)
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,1:-1,0,1:-1] #Variables 2D z/y
elif theFile.variables[var].shape[3] == 1: #Variable 2D (0,zz,yy,0)
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,1:-1,1:-1,0] #Variables 2D z/x
## ATTENTION VARIABLE 1D codé en 4D non faite
else: #Variable 3D simple
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] #Variables time + 3D
elif n_dim == 4 and 'time' in name_dim and 'level' not in name_dim and 'level_w' not in name_dim: # time,nb_something,y,x
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,:,1:-1,1:-1] #Variables 2D y/x
elif n_dim == 3 and 'time' in name_dim: # time, y, x
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,1:-1,1:-1]
else :
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] #Variables 3D
if n_dim == 1:
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][:] #Variables 1D
elif n_dim == 2:
if theFile.variables[var].shape[0] == 1 and 'size' in name_dim[1]: #Variables 2D with the second dimension not a coordinate (--> list of strings : chemicals)
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,:] #Variables 2D
elif theFile.variables[var].shape[0] == 1: #Variables 2D with first dim = 0
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,:] #Variables 2D
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][:,:] #Variables 2D
elif n_dim == 5: #Variables time, sizeXX, level, nj, ni (ex: chemical budgets in 3D)
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,:,:,:,:]
elif n_dim == 4: # time,z,y,x
if theFile.variables[var].shape[1] == 1: #Variables 4D time,z,y,x with time=0 z=0
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,0,:,:] #Variables 2D y/x
elif theFile.variables[var].shape[2] == 1: #Variable 2D (0,zz,0,xx)
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,:,0,:] #Variables 2D z/y
elif theFile.variables[var].shape[3] == 1: #Variable 2D (0,zz,yy,0)
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,:,:,0] #Variables 2D z/x
## ATTENTION VARIABLE 1D codé en 4D non faite
else: #Variable 3D simple
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,:,:,:] #Variables time + 3D
elif n_dim ==3 and name_dim in var.dimensions: # time, y, x
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0,:,:]
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][:,:,:] #Variables 3D
# For all variables except scalars, change Fill_Value to NaN
Dvar_output[ifile][var]= np.where(Dvar_output[ifile][var] != -99999.0, Dvar_output[ifile][var], np.nan)
Dvar_output[ifile][var]= np.where(Dvar_output[ifile][var] != 999.0, Dvar_output[ifile][var], np.nan)
return Dvar_output #Return the dic of [files][variables]
def read_TIMESfiles_54(theFile, ifile, Dvar_input, Dvar_output):
Dvar_output[ifile] = {} #initialize dic for each files
# Level variable is automatically read without the Halo
Dvar_output[ifile]['level'] = theFile.variables['level'][1:-1]
# Time variable is automatically read (time since begging of the run) from the 1st variable of the asked variable to read
suffix, name_first_var = remove_PROC(Dvar_input[ifile][0])
try: # It is possible that there is only one value (one time) in the .000 file, as such time series are not suitable and the following line can't be executed. The time variable is then not written
increment = theFile.variables[name_first_var+'___DATIM'][1,-1] - theFile.variables[name_first_var+'___DATIM'][0,-1] #-1 is the last entry of the date (current UTC time in seconds)
length_time = theFile.variables[name_first_var+'___DATIM'].shape[0]
Dvar_output[ifile]['time'] = np.arange(increment,increment*(length_time+1),increment)
for var in Dvar_input[ifile]: #For each files
suffix, var_name = remove_PROC(var)
n_dim = theFile.variables[var].ndim
name_dim = theFile.variables[var].dimensions
# First, test if the variable is a dimension/coordinate variable
if (n_dim ==0): # Scalaires variable
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.variables[var][0].data
elif n_dim == 1:
Dvar_output[ifile][var_name] = theFile.variables[var][1:-1] # By default, the Halo is always removed because is not in the other variables in any .000 variable
elif n_dim == 2:
Lsize1 = list_size1(n_dim, name_dim)
if Lsize1 == [True, False]: Dvar_output[ifile][var_name] = theFile.variables[var][0,1:-1]
Lsize1 = list_size1(n_dim, name_dim)
if Lsize1 == [True, False, False, True, True]: Dvar_output[ifile][var_name] = theFile.variables[var][0,:,:,0,0].T # Need to be transposed here
if Lsize1 == [True, True, False, True, False]: Dvar_output[ifile][var_name] = theFile.variables[var][0,0,:,0,:]
return Dvar_output #Return the dic of [files][variables]
def read_TIMESfiles_55(theFile, ifile, Dvar_input, Dvar_output, removeHALO=False):
Dvar_output[ifile] = {} #initialize dic for each files
for var in Dvar_input[ifile]: #For each var
suffix, var_name = remove_PROC(var)
try: # NetCDF4 Variables
n_dim = theFile.variables[var_name].ndim
# First, test if the variable is a dimension/coordinate variable
if (n_dim ==0): # Scalaires variable
Dvar_output[ifile][var_name] = theFile.variables[var_name][0].data
if n_dim == 1:
Dvar_output[ifile][var_name] = theFile.variables[var_name][1:-1]
elif n_dim == 2:
Dvar_output[ifile][var_name] = theFile.variables[var_name][1:-1,1:-1]
raise NameError("Lecture des variables de dimension sup a 2 pas encore implementees pour fichiers .000")
if n_dim == 1:
Dvar_output[ifile][var_name] = theFile.variables[var_name][:]
elif n_dim == 2:
Dvar_output[ifile][var_name] = theFile.variables[var_name][:,:]
raise NameError("Lecture des variables de dimension sup a 2 pas encore implementees pour fichiers .000")
except KeyError: # NetCDF4 Group
if theFile.groups[var_name].type == 'TLES' : #LES type
# Build the true name of the groups.variables :
whites = ' '*(17 - len('(cart)') - len(var_name)) # TODO : a adapter selon le type de la variable cart ou autres
Dvar_output[ifile][var] = theFile.groups[var].variables[var + whites + '(cart)'][:,:].T
elif theFile.groups[var_name].type == 'CART': # Budget CART type
shapeVar = theFile.groups[var_name].variables[suffix].shape
Ltosqueeze=[] # Build a tuple with the number of the axis which are 0 dimensions to be removed by np.squeeze
if shapeVar[0]==1: Ltosqueeze.append(0)
if shapeVar[1]==1: Ltosqueeze.append(1)
if shapeVar[2]==1: Ltosqueeze.append(2)
if shapeVar[3]==1: Ltosqueeze.append(3)
Dvar_output[ifile][var_name] = np.squeeze(theFile.groups[var_name].variables[suffix][:,:,:,:], axis=Ltosqueeze)
raise NameError("Type de groups variables not implemented in")
return Dvar_output #Return the dic of [files][variables]
def list_size1(n_dim, named_dim):
Lsize1 = []
for i in range(n_dim):
if 'size1' == named_dim[i]:
return Lsize1
def remove_PROC(var):
if '___PROC' in var:
var_name = var[:-8]
suffix = "" # No need of suffix for MNHVERSION < 550 (suffix is for NetCDF4 group
elif '___ENDF' in var or '___INIF' in var or '___AVEF' in var:
var_name = var[:-7]
suffix = var[-4:]
var_name = var
suffix = ''
return suffix, var_name
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