Quentin 08/01/2019: correction of the TKE dissipation constant with RM17...
Quentin 08/01/2019: correction of the TKE dissipation constant with RM17 mixing length and add RM17 in shallow convection scheme - ini_cturb.f90 + read_exsegn.f90 : XCED constant is replaced by XCEDIS which depends on BL89 or RM17 mixing length (see Rodier et al. 2017) - shallow_mf.f90 + all compute_*.f90 : support of RM17 mixing length in shallow convection - bl89.f90 : add comment
- src/MNH/bl89.f90 2 additions, 1 deletionsrc/MNH/bl89.f90
- src/MNH/compute_bl89_ml.f90 29 additions, 17 deletionssrc/MNH/compute_bl89_ml.f90
- src/MNH/compute_updraft.f90 13 additions, 3 deletionssrc/MNH/compute_updraft.f90
- src/MNH/compute_updraft_hrio.f90 11 additions, 2 deletionssrc/MNH/compute_updraft_hrio.f90
- src/MNH/compute_updraft_rhcj10.f90 13 additions, 3 deletionssrc/MNH/compute_updraft_rhcj10.f90
- src/MNH/ini_cturb.f90 4 additions, 1 deletionsrc/MNH/ini_cturb.f90
- src/MNH/read_exsegn.f90 7 additions, 1 deletionsrc/MNH/read_exsegn.f90
- src/MNH/shallow_mf.f90 12 additions, 2 deletionssrc/MNH/shallow_mf.f90
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