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Commit e09c1510 authored by WAUTELET Philippe's avatar WAUTELET Philippe
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Philippe 28/01/2020: budgets: new subroutines: Budget_source_add and...

Philippe 28/01/2020: budgets: new subroutines: Budget_source_add and Ini_budget_groups (not yet used)
parent b171c0a1
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......@@ -3418,4 +3418,298 @@ ELSE IF (JSV >= NSV_CHEMBEG .AND. JSV <= NSV_CHEMEND) THEN
subroutine Budget_source_add( tpbudget, tpsource, ocond, kgroupin, odonotinit, ooverwrite )
use modd_budget, only: tbudgetdata, tbusourcedata
use mode_msg
type(tbudgetdata), intent(inout) :: tpbudget
type(tbusourcedata), intent(in) :: tpsource ! Metadata basis
logical, intent(in) :: ocond ! Necessary condition for availability of the source term
integer, intent(in) :: kgroupin ! Requested group for the source term
logical, optional, intent(in) :: odonotinit
logical, optional, intent(in) :: ooverwrite
integer :: isourcenumber
isourcenumber = tpbudget%nsources + 1
if ( isourcenumber > tpbudget%nsourcesmax ) then
call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'BUD', 'Budget_source_add', 'insufficient number of source terms' )
tpbudget%nsources = tpbudget%nsources + 1
end if
! Copy metadata from provided tpsource
! Modifications to source term metadata done with the other dummy arguments
tpbudget%tsources(isourcenumber) = tpsource
if( ocond ) then
tpbudget%tsources(isourcenumber)%ngroup = kgroupin
tpbudget%tsources(isourcenumber)%ngroup = 0
if ( kgroupin/=0 ) call Print_msg( NVERB_WARNING, 'BUD', 'Budget_source_add', 'source term '//trim( tpbudget%cname ) &
//': '//trim( tpbudget%tsources(isourcenumber)%cmnhname )//' not available' )
end if
if ( present( odonotinit ) ) tpbudget%tsources(isourcenumber)%ldonotinit = odonotinit
if ( present( ooverwrite ) ) tpbudget%tsources(isourcenumber)%loverwrite = ooverwrite
end subroutine Budget_source_add
subroutine Ini_budget_groups( tpbudgets, kbudim1, kbudim2, kbudim3 )
use modd_budget, only: tbudgetdata
use modd_field, only: TYPEINT, TYPEREAL
use modd_parameters, only: NMNHNAMELGTMAX, NSTDNAMELGTMAX
use mode_msg
use mode_tools, only: Quicksort
type(tbudgetdata), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: tpbudgets
integer, intent(in) :: kbudim1
integer, intent(in) :: kbudim2
integer, intent(in) :: kbudim3
character(len=NMNHNAMELGTMAX) :: ymnhname
character(len=NSTDNAMELGTMAX) :: ystdname
character(len=32) :: ylongname
character(len=40) :: yunits
character(len=100) :: ycomment
integer :: ji, jj, jk
integer :: isources ! Number of source terms in a budget
integer :: inbgroups ! Number of budget groups
integer :: ival
integer :: icount
integer :: ivalmax, ivalmin
integer :: igrid
integer :: itype
integer :: idims
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: igroups ! Temporary array to store sorted group numbers
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ipos ! Temporary array to store initial position of group numbers
real :: zval
real :: zvalmax, zvalmin
BUDGETS: do ji = 1, size( tpbudgets )
ENABLED: if ( tpbudgets(ji)%lenabled ) then
isources = size( tpbudgets(ji)%tsources )
do jj = 1, isources
! Check if ngroup is an allowed value
if ( tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(jj)%ngroup < 0 ) then
call Print_msg( NVERB_ERROR, 'BUD', 'Ini_budget', 'negative group value is not allowed' )
tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(jj)%ngroup = 0
end if
if ( tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(jj)%ngroup > 0 ) tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(jj)%lenabled = .true.
end do
!Count the number of groups of source terms
!ngroup=1 is for individual entries, >1 values are groups
allocate( igroups(isources ) )
allocate( ipos (isources ) )
igroups(:) = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(:)%ngroup
ipos(:) = [ ( jj, jj = 1, isources ) ]
!Sort the group list number
call Quicksort( igroups, 1, isources, ipos )
!Count the number of different groups
!and renumber the entries (from 1 to inbgroups)
inbgroups = 0
ival = igroups(1)
if ( igroups(1) /= 0 ) then
inbgroups = 1
igroups(1) = inbgroups
end if
do jj = 2, isources
if ( igroups(jj) == 1 ) then
inbgroups = inbgroups + 1
igroups(jj) = inbgroups
else if ( igroups(jj) > 0 ) then
if ( igroups(jj) /= ival ) then
ival = igroups(jj)
inbgroups = inbgroups + 1
end if
igroups(jj) = inbgroups
end if
end do
!Write the igroups values to the budget structure
do jj = 1, isources
tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jj))%ngroup = igroups(jj)
end do
!Allocate the group structure + populate it
tpbudgets(ji)%ngroups = inbgroups
allocate( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(inbgroups) )
do jj = 1, inbgroups
!Search the list of sources for each group
!not the most efficient algorithm but do the job
icount = 0
do jk = 1, isources
if ( tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(jk)%ngroup == jj ) then
icount = icount + 1
ipos(icount) = jk !ipos is reused as a temporary work array
end if
end do
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources = icount
allocate( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsourcelist(icount) )
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsourcelist(:) = ipos(1 : icount)
! Set the name of the field
ymnhname = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%cmnhname
do jk = 2, tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources
ymnhname = trim( ymnhname ) // '_' // trim( tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jk))%cmnhname )
end do
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%cmnhname = ymnhname
! Set the standard name (CF convention)
if ( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources == 1 ) then
ystdname = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%cstdname
! The CF standard name is probably wrong if combining several source terms => set to ''
ystdname = ''
end if
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%cstdname = ystdname
! Set the long name (CF convention)
ylongname = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%clongname
do jk = 2, tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources
ylongname = trim( ylongname ) // ' + ' // tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jk))%clongname
end do
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%clongname = ylongname
! Set the units
yunits = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%cunits
do jk = 2, tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources
if ( trim( yunits ) /= trim( tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jk))%cunits ) ) then
call Print_msg( NVERB_WARNING, 'BUD', 'Ini_budget', &
'incompatible units for the different source terms of the group ' &
//trim( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%cmnhname ) )
yunits = 'unknown'
end if
end do
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%cunits = yunits
! Set the comment
! It is composed of the source comment followed by the clongnames of the different sources
ycomment = trim( tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%ccomment ) // ': '// trim( tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%clongname )
do jk = 2, tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources
ycomment = trim( ycomment ) // ', ' // trim( tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jk))%clongname )
end do
ycomment = trim( ycomment ) // ' source term'
if ( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources > 1 ) ycomment = trim( ycomment ) // 's'
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%ccomment = ycomment
! Set the Arakawa grid
igrid = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%ngrid
do jk = 2, tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources
if ( igrid /= tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jk))%ngrid ) then
call Print_msg( NVERB_WARNING, 'BUD', 'Ini_budget', &
'different Arakawa grid positions for the different source terms of the group ' &
//trim( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%cmnhname ) )
end if
end do
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%ngrid = igrid
! Set the data type
itype = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%ntype
do jk = 2, tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources
if ( itype /= tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jk))%ntype ) then
call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'BUD', 'Ini_budget', &
'incompatible data types for the different source terms of the group ' &
//trim( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%cmnhname ) )
end if
end do
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%ntype = itype
! Set the number of dimensions
idims = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%ndims
do jk = 2, tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources
if ( idims /= tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jk))%ndims ) then
call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'BUD', 'Ini_budget', &
'incompatible number of dimensions for the different source terms of the group ' &
//trim( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%cmnhname ) )
end if
end do
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%ndims = idims
! Set the fill values
if ( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%ntype == TYPEINT ) then
ival = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%nfillvalue
do jk = 2, tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources
if ( ival /= tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jk))%nfillvalue ) then
call Print_msg( NVERB_WARNING, 'BUD', 'Ini_budget', &
'different (integer) fill values for the different source terms of the group ' &
//trim( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%cmnhname ) )
end if
end do
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nfillvalue = ival
end if
if ( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%ntype == TYPEREAL ) then
zval = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%xfillvalue
do jk = 2, tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources
if ( zval /= tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jk))%xfillvalue ) then
call Print_msg( NVERB_WARNING, 'BUD', 'Ini_budget', &
'different (real) fill values for the different source terms of the group ' &
//trim( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%cmnhname ) )
end if
end do
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%xfillvalue = zval
end if
! Set the valid min/max values
! Take the min or max of all the sources
! Maybe, it would be better to take the sum? (if same sign, if not already the maximum allowed value for this type)
if ( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%ntype == TYPEINT ) then
ivalmin = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%nvalidmin
ivalmax = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%nvalidmax
do jk = 2, tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources
ivalmin = min( ivalmin, tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jk))%nvalidmin )
ivalmax = max( ivalmax, tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jk))%nvalidmax )
end do
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nvalidmin = ivalmin
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nvalidmax = ivalmax
end if
if ( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%ntype == TYPEREAL ) then
zvalmin = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%xvalidmin
zvalmax = tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(1))%xvalidmax
do jk = 2, tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources
zvalmin = min( zvalmin, tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jk))%xvalidmin )
zvalmax = max( zvalmax, tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(ipos(jk))%xvalidmax )
end do
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%xvalidmin = zvalmin
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%xvalidmax = zvalmax
end if
allocate( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%xdata(kbudim1, kbudim2, kbudim3 ) )
tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%xdata(:, :, :) = 0.
end do
deallocate( igroups )
deallocate( ipos )
!Check that a group does not contain more than 1 source term with ldonotinit=.true.
do jj = 1, inbgroups
if ( tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources > 1 ) then
do jk = 1, tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsources
if ( tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsourcelist(jk) )%ldonotinit ) &
call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'BUD', 'Ini_budget', &
'a group with more than 1 source term may not contain sources with ldonotinit=true' )
if ( tpbudgets(ji)%tsources(tpbudgets(ji)%tgroups(jj)%nsourcelist(jk) )%loverwrite ) &
call Print_msg( NVERB_FATAL, 'BUD', 'Ini_budget', &
'a group with more than 1 source term may not contain sources with loverwrite=true' )
end do
end if
end do
end if ENABLED
end do BUDGETS
end subroutine Ini_budget_groups
end module mode_ini_budget
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