- Jan 21, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
- One part of the code is not activated in AROME (this part was changed in MNH : is the bug corrected or not) ? To be tested - A part of the fluxes at IKE was changed during the LOCEAN integration in MNH : Jean-Luc Redelsperger was contacted to see if it was a bug correction or not : to be tested in AROME as well
RODIER Quentin authored
- Jan 20, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 20/01/2022: bugfix of last commit modd_XXXn must not contain TYPE exchange of MNH gridnesting : modd_turbn iwas for now the only one used in the code (so OK for the other modd_XXXXn not used)
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
Arome aux: - modd_dimn.f90 - modd_blowsnow.F90 - modd_gridn.F90 - modd_metricsn.F90 - modd_ref.F90 - modd_turbn.F90 - modd_frc.F90 - modd_oceanh.F90 - mode_gather_ll.F90 with ABORT - modi_second_mnh.F90 prandtl.F90 is added in existing mode_prandtl.F90
- Jan 19, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
- REPRO48 used for TH Budget (dissipation term TKE ==> TH) was not present in AROME (bug) - Problem remaining : Budgets terms TP,TR,DP has changed names
- Jan 14, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
Arome aux: - get_halo.F90 - argslist_ll for LIST_ll, ADD3DFIELD_ll, CLEANLIST_ll - modd_field.F90 for type TFIELDDATA (MesoNH I/O) - mode_io_field_write.F90 for IO_FIELD_WRITE subroutine - mode_ll.F90 : add UPDATE_HALO_ll - mode_io.F90 : add type TFILEDATA (MesoNH I/O) Known issues: - Budgets merged, it compiles but crashes at run - mesonh subroutine calls (turb, tke_eps_sources) not adapted (see new optionnal args)
- Jan 11, 2022
RIETTE Sébastien authored
Merge arome rain_ice with: - Ryad's versio: optimisation, KPROMA blocs - Meso-NH version: subgrid precipiation Arome aux: - mode_ll to provide get_indice_ll - mode_budget Known issues: - Bug around KPROMA blocs: results are different when used - precipitation fraction cannot be used as long as condensation is not merged - mode_ice4_sedimentation_momentum is still not plugged
- Dec 01, 2021
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
- Nov 30, 2021
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
- Nov 26, 2021
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
merge AROME, Meso-NH and Ryad's version cleaning of forgotten modi tools.f90 added from Meso-NH package
- Nov 25, 2021
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
- Nov 24, 2021
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
Modifications prepared by Ryad are stored in arome/modset_Ryad To help the merging of ice4_fast_ri, the array syntax was replaced by a DO loop
RIETTE Sébastien authored
gradient* files are merged and moved in externals shuman moved in externals modification of arguments order for shuman and gradients
- Nov 23, 2021
RIETTE Sébastien authored
rename rmc01.f90 into rmc01.F90
RIETTE Sébastien authored
- mv *.f90 *.F90 - bug corrections in bl89 and compute_bl89_ml - code modification to take into account the new interface of bl89 and compute_bl89_ml - introduction of the REPRO48 compilation key
- Nov 18, 2021
RIETTE Sébastien authored
Creation of the temporary 'externals' directory for AROME. This directory will contain the AROME specific version of source codes that is not part of the PHYEX package but is needed by the package. Main mods: - XRTM17, LOCEAN and ocean related constants added - AROME specific version of modd_precision, modd_dynn created - creation of a message system for AROME: modd_io and mode_msg Other mods: - mv budget in externals - creation of the docs directory (containing working documents) - creation of src/arome/gmkpack_ignored_files; the file contains the list of the source codes which must be ignored by gmkpack but was present in the main pack. This file is necessary while the ecboundle mechanism is not used.
- Nov 08, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 08/11/2021: MNH->AROME tridiag* (Philippe 18/04/2019: import small improvements from OPENACC branch)
RODIER Quentin authored
- Nov 05, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored