- Aug 14, 2024
RODIER Quentin authored
- Nov 29, 2023
RODIER Quentin authored
- Jun 08, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
- Quentin 28/03/2022: bugfix orography should work with Lxx 2D or 1D - Quentin 29/03/2022: bugfixes on ticks labelsize + - bugfix : xyTicksLabelSize now applied with cartopy projection - bugfix : cbTicksLabelSize now applied correctly on colorbar - add vectors legendSize - add Lcbformatlabel for psectionV - Quentin 06/04/2022: possibility to read non-mesonh netcdf File - Quentin 06/04/2022: bugfix miss-use nj/ni dimensions in RectBivariateSpline functions with respect to commonly MesoNH variables ordered by z/y/x arrays - Quentin 02/05/2022: oblique_proj bugfix for domain size not squared and nj> ni : RectBivariateSpline must have args strictly in ascending order. Works for 2D and 3D variables oblique projection - Quentin 06/05/2022: bugfix x/y ticks labels not hidden with cartopy > 0.18 - Quentin 12/05/2022: add possibility to use multiple paths for reading files - Quentin 12/05/2022: add position of legend for pXY_lines and pXY_bar : LlocLegend - Quentin 12/05/2022: add Panel title vertical position : bigtitlepad - Quentin 12/05/2022: possibility to read netcdf MNH files without 'time' variable (such as PGD files) - Quentin + Tanguy: 01/06/2022: autopep8 except main init of args of Panel_Plot - Quentin 01/06/2022: add Linewidth for contours - Olivier C. 01/06/2022: oblique_proj bugfix : inversion of coordinates in ev functions of RectBivariateSpline as variables are in y/x order for nj/ni coordinates - Quentin 02/06/2022: bugfix gridlines with cartopy>0.18 - Quentin 08/06/2022: minor, apply Llinewidth to contour only (not contourf)
- Mar 17, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
- PanelPlot: add legendSize for XY_lines - missing Ticks label handlers - bug : get_data_only was always True and did not work : missing value to NaN converted the data to masked_array change in names of parameters : - vectors: change Lcbarlabel to Llegendlabel + change in all KTEST namelists of the PACK
- Aug 09, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 09/08/2021: Python LIB, add fontsizes customization; possibility to change the prefix figure name; add addWhite colormap for either the higher (top) or the lower (bottom) value : whiteTop flag
- Jul 06, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 06/07/2021: update Python lib to read NetCDF4 groups and adapt KTEST to the new read functions + cleaning
- May 06, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 06/05/2021: Python lib update. Add AVION and AVIONZ time series; correction of reading from netcdf group; read MASK variables; improve date printing; add colorbar formatlabel; remove contour label (to debug); add streamline plot
- Apr 27, 2021
Juan Escobar authored
- Apr 19, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 19/04/2021: minor python plot adapt size of png files and correction of arguments for xx and yy axes for XY lines plot
- Apr 16, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 16/04/2021: add reading of netcdf group in addition to individual variables for time series budget and TSERIES/XTSERIES/ZTSERIES
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 16/04/2021: adapt visu python KTEST to display command instead of (convert + evince) for portability
- Mar 26, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored