- Feb 16, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
- modi_condensation : remove MODD_SPP_TYPE (not used) - condensation : fill HALO (NaN present) of PRC,PRV,PRI (OUT) with IN values (should be only on HALO instead of full copy) ==> on GPU branch, NaN should not trigg an exception in ice_adjust on the test of ZW1< 0.0 (SR) + PT computation on KIB:KIE only (because ZFRAC is defined on physical point only) in the CALL COMPUTE_FRAC_ICE - modi/ice_adjust, condensation : move the TBUDGETS/KBUDGETS args (non optional possible) before the optionnal args - mode_icecloud : modi_tiwmx was removed and the QSATMX_TAB is now in MODE_QSATMW_TAB - lima_adjust_split, : SIGQSAT is now 2D
- Feb 15, 2022
OCND2 included in common code (from AROME version) OCND2 specific code moved in common/micro or arome/dead_code directories High/Low cloud included for condensation (from Méso-NH version) Harmonie SPP code moved outside of physics condensation and ice_adjust optimised by Ryad compute_frac_ice as an elemental procedure
- Jan 11, 2022
RIETTE Sébastien authored
The 3 routines are merged into mode_compute_frac_ice using optimisation (with pointers) developped by Ryad.
RIETTE Sébastien authored
Merge arome rain_ice with: - Ryad's versio: optimisation, KPROMA blocs - Meso-NH version: subgrid precipiation Arome aux: - mode_ll to provide get_indice_ll - mode_budget Known issues: - Bug around KPROMA blocs: results are different when used - precipitation fraction cannot be used as long as condensation is not merged - mode_ice4_sedimentation_momentum is still not plugged
- Dec 01, 2021
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
- Nov 30, 2021
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
- Nov 26, 2021
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
merge AROME, Meso-NH and Ryad's version cleaning of forgotten modi tools.f90 added from Meso-NH package
- Nov 25, 2021
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
- Nov 24, 2021
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
RIETTE Sébastien authored
Modifications prepared by Ryad are stored in arome/modset_Ryad To help the merging of ice4_fast_ri, the array syntax was replaced by a DO loop
RIETTE Sébastien authored
gradient* files are merged and moved in externals shuman moved in externals modification of arguments order for shuman and gradients
- Nov 23, 2021
RIETTE Sébastien authored
rename rmc01.f90 into rmc01.F90
RIETTE Sébastien authored
- mv *.f90 *.F90 - bug corrections in bl89 and compute_bl89_ml - code modification to take into account the new interface of bl89 and compute_bl89_ml - introduction of the REPRO48 compilation key
- Nov 08, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 08/11/2021: MNH->AROME tridiag* (Philippe 18/04/2019: import small improvements from OPENACC branch)
RODIER Quentin authored
- Nov 05, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 05/11/2021: Merge MNH->AROME add RM17, LOCEAN, correction of exponent on final length for bl89, add MNHREAL
- Oct 15, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored