- Oct 31, 2017
WAUTELET Philippe authored
* NLFINPRAR in TFILEDATA type is now of KIND=LFI_INT * use TPFILE as argument instead of its fields for FMOPEN_ll and FMCLOSE_ll
WAUTELET Philippe authored
(cherry picked from commit 6c172b3f)
WAUTELET Philippe authored
(cherry picked from commit 4691b211)
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Philippe 31/10/2017: IO: pass TPFILE to IO_WRITE_FIELD_LFI_xxx calls and use it to retrieve the logical unit + correct a bug in the integer kind of the LU
- Oct 30, 2017
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Philippe 30/10/2017: IO: DIAG: minor bug correction: renamed field PABST in PRES (when written in hPa)
- Oct 27, 2017
WAUTELET Philippe authored
* replace FMREAD/FMWRIT by IO_READ/WRITE_FIELD * modify SET_CONFIO_ll call in mnh2lpdm.f90 * use TZPGDFILE for read_chem_data_netcdf_case.f90 * declare TZATMFILE when necessary
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Phasage 5.3.1 -> 54X-dev-IO Warning: not yet fully OK (compilation fails and some old IO subroutines are used) # Conflicts: # MY_RUN/KTEST/011_KW78CHEM/002_mesonh/run_mesonh_xyz # src/LIB/SURCOUCHE/src/modd_io.f90 # src/LIB/SURCOUCHE/src/mode_fm.f90 # src/LIB/SURCOUCHE/src/mode_netcdf.f90 # src/MNH/advection_metsv.f90 # src/MNH/c2r2_adjust.f90 # src/MNH/call_rttov11.f90 # src/MNH/call_rttov8.f90 # src/MNH/check_zhat.f90 # src/MNH/check_zs.f90 # src/MNH/compare_dad.f90 # src/MNH/compute_r00.f90 # src/MNH/default_desfmn.f90 # src/MNH/diag.f90 # src/MNH/free_atm_profile.f90 # src/MNH/ice_adjust.f90 # src/MNH/ice_adjust_elec.f90 # src/MNH/ini_aircraft_balloon.f90 # src/MNH/ini_cpl.f90 # src/MNH/ini_deep_convection.f90 # src/MNH/ini_lb.f90 # src/MNH/ini_ls.f90 # src/MNH/ini_modeln.f90 # src/MNH/ini_param_elec.f90 # src/MNH/ini_prog_var.f90 # src/MNH/ini_radiations.f90 # src/MNH/ini_radiations_ecmwf.f90 # src/MNH/ini_segn.f90 # src/MNH/ini_size_spawn.f90 # src/MNH/ini_sizen.f90 # src/MNH/ini_spectren.f90 # src/MNH/ini_surf_rad.f90 # src/MNH/init_for_convlfi.f90 # src/MNH/khko_notadjust.f90 # src/MNH/lima_adjust.f90 # src/MNH/lima_warm.f90 # src/MNH/ls_coupling.f90 # src/MNH/menu_diachro.f90 # src/MNH/mnh2lpdm.f90 # src/MNH/mnh2lpdm_ech.f90 # src/MNH/mnh2lpdm_ini.f90 # src/MNH/mnhread_zs_dummyn.f90 # src/MNH/mnhwrite_zs_dummyn.f90 # src/MNH/modd_budget.f90 # src/MNH/modd_fmout.f90 # src/MNH/modeln.f90 # src/MNH/modn_backup.f90 # src/MNH/paspol.f90 # src/MNH/phys_paramn.f90 # src/MNH/prandtl.f90 # src/MNH/prep_pgd.f90 # src/MNH/prep_real_case.f90 # src/MNH/radiations.f90 # src/MNH/rain_c2r2_khko.f90 # src/MNH/rain_ice_elec.f90 # src/MNH/read_dummy_gr_fieldn.f90 # src/MNH/read_field.f90 # src/MNH/read_grid_time_mesonh_case.f90 # src/MNH/read_hgrid.f90 # src/MNH/read_hgridn.f90 # src/MNH/read_precip_field.f90 # src/MNH/read_surf_mnh.f90 # src/MNH/resolved_cloud.f90 # src/MNH/set_grid.f90 # src/MNH/set_ref.f90 # src/MNH/set_subdomain.f90 # src/MNH/shallow_mf_pack.f90 # src/MNH/spawn_field2.f90 # src/MNH/tke_eps_sources.f90 # src/MNH/turb.f90 # src/MNH/turb_cloud_index.f90 # src/MNH/turb_hor_dyn_corr.f90 # src/MNH/turb_hor_sv_flux.f90 # src/MNH/turb_hor_thermo_corr.f90 # src/MNH/turb_hor_thermo_flux.f90 # src/MNH/turb_hor_uv.f90 # src/MNH/turb_hor_uw.f90 # src/MNH/turb_hor_vw.f90 # src/MNH/turb_ver.f90 # src/MNH/turb_ver_dyn_flux.f90 # src/MNH/turb_ver_sv_flux.f90 # src/MNH/turb_ver_thermo_corr.f90 # src/MNH/turb_ver_thermo_flux.f90 # src/MNH/ver_thermo.f90 # src/MNH/write_balloonn.f90 # src/MNH/write_budget.f90 # src/MNH/write_diachro.f90 # src/MNH/write_dummy_gr_fieldn.f90 # src/MNH/write_lbn.f90 # src/MNH/write_lfifm1_for_diag.f90 # src/MNH/write_lfifm1_for_diag_supp.f90 # src/MNH/write_lfifmn_fordiachron.f90 # src/MNH/write_lfin.f90 # src/MNH/write_phys_param.f90 # src/MNH/write_zsmt.f90 # src/MNH/zoom_pgd.f90 # src/MNH/zsmt_pgd.f90 # src/Makefile # src/Makefile.MESONH.mk # src/SURFEX/zoom_pgd_cover.F90
- Oct 24, 2017
WAUTELET Philippe authored
These subroutines were not using the correct buffer if CFORMAT='LFICDF4'
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Philippe: 24/10/2017: workaround in PREP_PGD due to NPROC set earlier than before (commit 86f22a35)
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Philippe: IO: allocate ZFIELDP/IFIELDP with zero size to remove alerts with Valgrind (not really necessary)
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Philippe 24/10/2017: IO: bug correction: IO_READ_FIELD_BYFIELD_L1: size of message in MPI_Bcast was wrong (1 instead of size(ofield))
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Merge 5.3.1 into 54X
- Oct 23, 2017
Juan Escobar authored
Gaelle DELAUTIER authored
Merge branch 'MNH-53-branch' of mesonh2.aero.obs-mip.fr:/gitrepos/MNH-git_open_source-lfs into MNH-53-branch
Gaelle DELAUTIER authored
- Oct 20, 2017
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Philippe 17/10/2017: problem with SNGL intrinsics on BlueGene/Q => transform it by REAL in preprocessing
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
- Oct 19, 2017
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Gaelle DELAUTIER authored
Gaelle DELAUTIER authored
Gaelle DELAUTIER authored
Gaelle DELAUTIER authored
Gaelle DELAUTIER authored
Gaelle DELAUTIER authored
Gaelle DELAUTIER authored
Gaelle DELAUTIER authored
Gaelle DELAUTIER authored
Gaelle DELAUTIER authored
Gaelle DELAUTIER authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
+ FMOPEN_ll/FMCLOSE_ll are now private + cleaning of comments
- Oct 17, 2017
Juan Escobar authored
Juan Escobar authored
Juan Escobar authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Juan Escobar authored