- Feb 28, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
- TKE advective source needed for mesonh (tke_eps_sources) - add CALL SOURCES_NEG_CORRECT - move some optional args of turb. for mesonh
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
+ correction mf_turb_expl.F90
- Feb 26, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 26/02/2022: missing bugfixes from last commit : 3 bug bit-repro (add ifdef REPRO48/55) to be validated in compute_entr_detr and compute_updraft
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 26/02/2022: Adapt call of shallow_mf + 3 bug bit-repro (add ifdef REPRO48/55) to be validated in compute_entr_detr and compute_updraft
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
- Feb 25, 2022
compute_updraft and compute_updraft_raha are OK for compute_updraft_rhcj10: waiting for a answer from Rachel and/or Yves
+ compute_bl89_ml as a mode_
+ correction mf_turb_expl.F90
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 25/02/2022: correction of mode_compute_mf_cloud_direct.F90 from commit 878073e5 (not bit-repro with MesoNH)
Replacement of modd_mfshall in AROME by modd_param_mfshall Merge mf_turb_expl
mode_compute_frac_ice becomes an include file which must be used in contains section of subroutines through an #include or a fortran INCLUDE
- Feb 24, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
- Feb 22, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
- phys_paramn : adapt call to turb (new args LENGTHs and MOIST) - modd_cturb : add LHARAT key (to move in namelist reading) - mode_prandtl : merge prandtl and mode_prandtl. Correct the use of SMOOTH functions - turb.f90 : add new args (incremental merge) - shuman and gradients : add adaptation of optional args as for AROME - remove old turb_ver routines - mode_turb_ver, mode_turb_ver_dyn_flux, _sv_flux, sv_corr : correction of shuman/gradient to the final solution - mode_turb_ver_thermo_corr : add REPRO48 to final computation of PSIGS (without : not bit_repro) - mode_turb_ver_thermo_flux : add REPRO55 to new upper condition of ZF flux with LOCEAN contribution + to computation of vertical divergence of the fluxes (desactivated in AROME) + final version of mode_prandtl (no REDR1 and REDT1 args in some functions) - resolved_cloud : add BUDGETS, OCND2 and 2D SIGQSAT
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
- Feb 16, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored
- modi_condensation : remove MODD_SPP_TYPE (not used) - condensation : fill HALO (NaN present) of PRC,PRV,PRI (OUT) with IN values (should be only on HALO instead of full copy) ==> on GPU branch, NaN should not trigg an exception in ice_adjust on the test of ZW1< 0.0 (SR) + PT computation on KIB:KIE only (because ZFRAC is defined on physical point only) in the CALL COMPUTE_FRAC_ICE - modi/ice_adjust, condensation : move the TBUDGETS/KBUDGETS args (non optional possible) before the optionnal args - mode_icecloud : modi_tiwmx was removed and the QSATMX_TAB is now in MODE_QSATMW_TAB - lima_adjust_split, : SIGQSAT is now 2D
- Feb 15, 2022
OCND2 included in common code (from AROME version) OCND2 specific code moved in common/micro or arome/dead_code directories High/Low cloud included for condensation (from Méso-NH version) Harmonie SPP code moved outside of physics condensation and ice_adjust optimised by Ryad compute_frac_ice as an elemental procedure
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 15/02/2022: Merge rain_ice_red : compile OK but not bit-repro. Move budget (not optional) args + adapt call rain_ice_red in resolved_cloud
- Feb 14, 2022
RODIER Quentin authored