- Jun 28, 2021
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Philippe 28/06/2021: IO: better management of pre-5.5 files (default values for missing fields instead of crash)
WAUTELET Philippe authored
Philippe 28/06/2021: allocate to zero-size arrays in ini_model_n to prevent use of unallocated arrays later + allocate some of them to non zero-size only if necessary
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
WAUTELET Philippe authored
RODIER Quentin authored
M.Goret 28/06/2021:bugfix increase LNOWRITE table and add abort if writing surfex field needs more memory (for long simulations/large number of surf. field writes without restart)
RODIER Quentin authored
- LIMA sedimentation (activated as for ICE3/C2R2) - correction of surface flux reduction with respect to the resolution (LGZ) to activate only if needed (grey-zone resolutions)
RODIER Quentin authored
- Jun 25, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 25/06/2021: bugfix introduced by commit 09f31 (OCEAN LES). Missing a CALL for the atmospheric case for computation of the pressure
RODIER Quentin authored
- Jun 23, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
RODIER Quentin authored
- Initialization and coupling aerosols from CAMS forecasts/analysis - Kappa-Kohler theory to compute CCN activation - Subgrid condensation with LIMA (LSUBG_COND=T) - Prognostic supersaturation with LIMA (LSPRO=T and LADJ=F) - Option to relax the adjustement to saturation TODO : 014_LIMA test case is not working for now with new options LSPRO=T and LADJ=F
RODIER Quentin authored
- Jun 16, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 16/06/2021: bugfix clarification of some points for the merge of Ocean-Atmosphere coupled LES dev
- Jun 15, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
P.Marquet 15/06/2021: correction on the exponent of final BL89 mixing length according to Lemarié et al. 2021
- Jun 14, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
- Jun 10, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
- Jun 08, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Didier R. 08/06/2021: add Leonard terms (Moeng parametrization) instead of Reynolds terms applied to vertical fluxes of r_np and Thl for implicit version of turbulence scheme
- Jun 04, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
- Jun 03, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 03/06/2021: bugfix add the pressure gradient to the sources at the border if L2D (removed by IBM contrib, commit fde83373)
RODIER Quentin authored
Sebastien R. 03/06/2021: bugfix HON budget on Ri was not equivalent to its value use in the physics computations (impacted only the budget)
RODIER Quentin authored
TODO: these variables are not initialized properly in case of RESTART (bit-reproductibility). Need to be written and read
RODIER Quentin authored
F. Auguste, T. Nagel, R. Schoetter, V. Masson et al. (IBM and Recycling turb.) + E. Jezequel (station in namelists) TODO: check I/O restart and CALL of write_diachro in write_stationn
- May 28, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 28/05/2021: bugfix missing initilization of IMICRO leading to random value that may be > 0 and fail the packing
- May 26, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 26/05/2021: add ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH to make sure the compiled library is used and extract only eccodes OR grib_api
- May 25, 2021
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 25/05/2021: bugfix compilation with ifort does not support lower string length when the variable is defined with a specific character number
RODIER Quentin authored
Quentin 25/05/2021: bugfix make coherent test for pack/unpack variables for the modification of the subgrid condensation scheme