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  • MNH-51X protected
  • MNH-52X protected
  • MNH-53-branch protected
  • MNH-54-branch protected
  • MNH-54X-dev-IO protected
  • MNH-54X-dev-OPENACC protected
  • MNH-54X-dev-SFX81 protected
  • MNH-55-branch protected
  • MNH-55-branch-ecrad140 protected
  • MNH-55X-dev-IO protected
  • MNH-55X-dev-OPENACC protected
  • MNH-55X-dev-OPENACC-CINES protected
  • MNH-55X-dev-OPENACC-FFT protected
  • MNH-55X-dev-OPENACC-FFT-1-00
  • MNH-55X-dev-OPENACC_SHUMAN protected
  • MNH-55X-dev-SFX9 protected
  • MNH-55X-dev-modern protected
  • MNH-56-branch protected
  • MNH-56-dev-PHYEX protected
  • MESONH-v55-OpenACC
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-1
  • MESONH-v55-OpenACC_V0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-0
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-2
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-02-ELEC
  • PACK-MNH-V5-6-1
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-01-PHYEX_v0.6.3
  • PACK-MNH-V5-7-00-SURFEX_V9-0
40 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.024Mar2322211817161514111098732128Feb2625242322171615141110987432131Jan28272625242120191817141312111054317Dec16876130Nov262524232219181716854327Oct262522212019151412118430Sep242120171615141310976130Aug27262523201817161312119653228Jul27232221201916Quentin 24/03/2022: bugfix array size in vertical needs +2 (HALO) and typo in dimension of bl89Juan 24/03/2022:ZSOLVER/phys_paramn.f90 , unnecessary add/commit , identic to MNH -> removePACK-MNH-V5-5--…PACK-MNH-V5-5--0-03_CINES_HPE_ZSOLVER_OK_NO_MANAGED_KERNEL_PRESENTJuan 24/03/2022:ZSOLVER/ , Bug nvhpc/22.2 doesnt accepte kernel present added for Cray -> add #ifdef MNH_COMPILER_CCEJuan 24/03/2022:MNH , Bug nvhpc/22.2 doesnt accepte kernel present added for Cray -> add #ifdef MNH_COMPILER_CCEJuan 24/03/2022:ZSOLVER/ , Cray GPU Opt/Bug: add present in kernelsJuan 24/03/2022:MNH/ , Cray GPU Opt/Bug: add present in kernelsQuentin 24/03/2022: typo in configure ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATHMove 3 variables from modd_param_lima to modd_param_lima_coldCorrections -> compilation okinitial commit for LIMA_JWLIMA_KHKO compilation bugfixMerge branch 'LIMA_KHKO' into LIMA_NEWBug initialisation SPROSébastien Riette 24/03/2022 modd_budget for ifortJuan 23/03/2022:ZSOLVER, Cray GPU Opt/Bug: add present in kernels & !dir$ concurent in some array syntaxJuan 23/03/2022:discretisation.f90, Cray GPU Opt/Bug: replace array-syntax -> do concurrent & add present in kernelsQuentin 22/03/2022: GPU explicit dimensions declaration turb + bl89(+loop)Philippe 22/03/2022: correct time_les_avg and time_les_avg_bounds coordinatesPhilippe 22/03/2022: LES budgets: LES averaging periods are more reliable (compute with integers instead of reals)Juan 21/03/2022: Cray GPU opt in tensor source , add "!dirs$ concurrent" & rewrite none optimum array syntax -> do concurrentJuan 21/03/2022: Cray GPU opt in ZSOLVER source , add "!dirs$ concurrent"Juan 21/03/, remove -DOVERLAPCOMMS for ZSOLVER/MultiGrid, not optimumJuan 21/03/2022: Cray GPU opt , add "!dirs$ concurrent"Quentin 21/03/2022: MODD_TURB_n merge and add TURBN typeMerge branch 'main' into GPUSébastien Riette 21/03/2022 suppresion of duplicate modd_cstQuentin 21/03/2022: Add ONLY on missing use MODD of turb* + move MODD_FRC/LDEEPOC as argsMerge branch 'main' into GPUSébastien Riette 21/03/2022 AROME compilation from scratchQuentin 18/03/2022: modd_turbn different in arome/mesonh (TYPE for grid-nesting in mesonh). Move common->aromeQuentin 18/03/2022: modd_turbn different in arome/mesonh (TYPE for grid-nesting in mesonh). Move common->aromeQuentin 18/03/2022: move modd_io from common to arome (not same version as for mesonh)Quentin 18/03/2022: modd_turbn different in arome/mesonh (TYPE for grid-nesting in mesonh). Move common->aromePhilippe 18/03/2022: bugfix: correct xseglen by removing xtstep of first modelQuentin 18/03/2022: move modd_io from common to arome (not same version as for mesonh)Quentin 18/03/2022: move modd_io from common to arome (not same version as for mesonh)Merge branch 'SR_GPU_rain_ice' into GPUPhilippe 18/03/2022: IO: minor bugfix in IO_Bakout_struct_prepare + adapt diagnostics messages (change verbosity level and remove some unnecessary warnings)Sébastien Riette 18/03/2022 Phasing with P. Marguinaud's versionJuan 17/03/2022:ZSOLVER/modeln.f90, GPU optimization , replace allocate -> mnh_mem_get ZRUS/ZRVSPACK-MNH-V5-5--…PACK-MNH-V5-5--0-02_CINES_HPE_ZSOLVER_OK_NO_MANAGED