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from common import *
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st.set_page_config(page_title = "NIRS Utils", page_icon = ":goat:", layout = "wide")

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# layout
UiComponents(pagespath = pages_folder, csspath= css_file,imgpath=image_path ,
             header=True, sidebar= True, bgimg=False, colborders=True)
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hash_ = ''
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# Initialize the variable in session state if it doesn't exist for st.cache_data
if 'counter' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.counter = 0
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def increment():
    st.session_state.counter += 1
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# ####################################  Methods ##############################################
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def delete_files(keep):
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    supp = []
    # Walk through the directory
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    for root, dirs, files in os.walk('report/', topdown=False):
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        for file in files:
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            if file != 'logo_cefe.png' and not any(file.endswith(ext) for ext in keep):
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                os.remove(os.path.join(root, file))

class lw:
    def __init__(self, Reg_json, pred):
        self.model_ = Reg_json['model']
        self.best_hyperparams_ = Reg_json['best_lwplsr_params']
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        self.pred_data_ = [json_normalize(Reg_json[i]) for i in pred]
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################ clean the results dir #############
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delete_files(keep = ['.py', '.pyc','.bib'])
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for i in ['model', 'dataset', 'figures']:
    dirpath = Path('./report/out/')/i
    if not dirpath.exists():
        dirpath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# ####################################### page preamble #######################################
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st.header("Calibration Model Development") # page title
st.markdown("Create a predictive model, then use it for predicting your target variable (chemical data) from NIRS spectra")
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c0, c1 = st.columns([1, .4])
c0.image("./images/model_creation.png", use_column_width = True) # graphical abstract
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################################################################# Begin : I- Data loading and preparation ######################################
files_format = ['csv', 'dx'] # Supported files format
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file ='Select files format:', options = files_format,horizontal = True) # Select a file format
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spectra = DataFrame() # preallocate the spectral data block
y = DataFrame() # preallocate the target(s) data block
match file:
    # load csv file
    case 'csv':
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        from utils.data_parsing import CsvParser
        def read_csv(file = file, change = None, dec = None, sep= None, names = None, hdr = None):
            delete_files(keep = ['.py', '.pyc','.bib'])
            from utils.data_parsing import CsvParser
            par = CsvParser(file= file)
            par.parse(decimal = dec, separator = sep, index_col = names, header = hdr)
            return par.float, par.meta_data, par.meta_data_st_, par.df

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        with c1:
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            xcal_csv = st.file_uploader("Select NIRS Data", type = "csv", help = " :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and lambdas as columns")
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                c1_1, c2_2 = st.columns([.5, .5])
                with c1_1:
                    decx ='decimal(x):', options= [".", ","], horizontal = True)
                    sepx ="separator(x):", options = [";", ","], horizontal = True)
                with c2_2:
                    phdrx ="header(x): ", options = ["yes", "no"], horizontal = True)
                    pnamesx ="samples name(x):", options = ["yes", "no"], horizontal = True)

                hdrx = 0 if phdrx =="yes" else None
                namesx = 0 if pnamesx =="yes" else None
                    spectra, meta_data, md_df_st_, xfile = read_csv(file= xcal_csv, change = hash_, dec = decx, sep = sepx, names =namesx, hdr = hdrx)
                    st.success('xfile has been loaded successfully')
                    st.error('Error: The xfile has not been loaded successfully, please consider tuning the dialect settings!')
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      'Info: Insert your spectral data file above!')
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            ycal_csv = st.file_uploader("Select corresponding Chemical Data", type = "csv", help = " :mushroom: select a csv matrix with samples as rows and chemical values as a column")
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                c1_1, c2_2 = st.columns([.5, .5])
                with c1_1:
                    decy ='decimal(y):', options= [".", ","], horizontal = True)
                    sepy ="separator(y):", options = [";", ","], horizontal = True)
                with c2_2:
                    phdry ="header(y): ", options = ["yes", "no"], horizontal = True)
                    pnamesy ="samples name(y):", options = ["yes", "no"], horizontal = True)

                hdry = 0 if phdry =="yes" else None
                namesy = 0 if pnamesy =="yes" else None
                    chem_data, meta_data, md_df_st_, yfile = read_csv(file= ycal_csv, change = hash_, dec = decy, sep = sepy, names =namesy, hdr = hdry)
                    st.success('yfile has been loaded successfully')
                    st.error('Error: The yfile has not been loaded successfully, please consider tuning the dialect settings!')
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      'Info: Insert your target data file above!')

            if xcal_csv and ycal_csv:
                # create a str instance for storing the hash of both x and y data
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                xy_str = ''
                from io import StringIO
                for i in ["xcal_csv", "ycal_csv"]:
                    stringio = StringIO(eval(f'{i}.getvalue().decode("utf-8")'))
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                    xy_str += str(
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                # p_hash([xy_str + str( + str(, hdrx, sepx, hdry, sepy])
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                hash_ = ObjectHash(current=hash_,add = xy_str)
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                # xfile, yfile, file_name = csv_loader(change = hash_)
                # yfile =  read_csv(file= ycal_csv, change = hash_)

                if yfile.shape[1]>0 and xfile.shape[1]>0 :    
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                    if 'chem_data' in globals():
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                        if chem_data.shape[1] > 1:
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                            yname = c1.selectbox('Select a target', options = ['']+chem_data.columns.tolist(), format_func = lambda x: x if x else "<Select>")
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                            if yname:
                                y = chem_data.loc[:, yname]
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                      'Info: Select the target analyte from the drop down list!')
                        elif chem_data.shape[1] == 1:
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                            y = chem_data.iloc[:, 0]
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                            yname = chem_data.iloc[:, [0]].columns[0]
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                    if not y.empty:
                        if spectra.shape[0] != y.shape[0]:
                            st.error('Error: X and Y have different sample size')
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                            y = DataFrame
                            spectra = DataFrame
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                    st.error('Error: The data has not been loaded successfully, please consider tuning the dialect settings!')
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        with c1:
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            data_file = st.file_uploader("Select Data", type = ".dx", help = " :mushroom: select a dx file")
            if data_file:
                file_name = str(
                ## creating the temp file
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                with NamedTemporaryFile(delete = False, suffix = ".dx") as tmp:
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                    tmp_path =
                    with open(, 'r') as dd:
                        dxdata =
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                        # p_hash(str(dxdata)+str(
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                ## load and parse the temp dx file
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                def read_dx(tmp_path):
                    M = JcampParser(path = tmp_path)
                    # chem_data, spectra, meta_data, meta_data_st = read_dx(file =  tmp_path)    
                    # os.unlink(tmp_path)
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                    return M.chem_data, M.specs_df_, M.meta_data, M.meta_data_st_
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                chem_data, spectra, meta_data, meta_data_st = read_dx(tmp_path = tmp_path)
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                    st.success("Info: The data have been loaded successfully", icon = "")

                if chem_data.shape[1]>0:
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                    yname = st.selectbox('Select the target analyte', options = ['']+chem_data.columns.tolist(), format_func = lambda x: x if x else "<Select>" )
                    if yname:
                        measured = chem_data.loc[:, yname] > 0
                        y = chem_data.loc[:, yname].loc[measured]
                        spectra = spectra.loc[measured]
              'Info: Please select the target analyte from the dropdown list!')
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                    st.warning('Warning: your file includes no target variables to model !', icon = "⚠️")
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      'Info: Load your file here!')
################################################### END : I- Data loading and preparation ####################################################
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################################################### BEGIN : visualize and split the data ####################################################
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st.subheader("I - Data visualization", divider = 'blue')
if not spectra.empty and not y.empty:
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    # p_hash(y)
    # p_hash(np.mean(spectra))
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    if np.array(spectra.columns).dtype.kind in ['i', 'f']:
        colnames = spectra.columns
        colnames = np.arange(spectra.shape[1])
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    from utils.miscellaneous import data_split
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    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, train_index, test_index = data_split(x=spectra, y=y)
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    #### insight on loaded data
    spectra_plot = plot_spectra(spectra, xunits = 'Wavelength/Wavenumber', yunits = "Signal intensity")
    target_plot = hist(y = y, y_train = y_train, y_test = y_test, target_name=yname)
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    from utils.miscellaneous import desc_stats
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    stats = DataFrame([desc_stats(y_train), desc_stats(y_test), desc_stats(y)], index =['train', 'test', 'total'] ).round(2) 
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    # fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots( figsize = (12, 3))
    # spectra.T.plot(legend = False, ax = ax1, linestyle = '-', linewidth = 0.6)
    # ax1.set_ylabel('Signal intensity')
    # ax1.margins(0)
    # plt.tight_layout()
    c2, c3 = st.columns([1, .4])
    with c2:
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        st.pyplot(spectra_plot) ######## Loaded graph
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    with c3:
        st.write('Loaded data summary')

################################################### END : visualize and split the data #######################################################

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# if 'model_type' not in st.session_state:
#     st.cache_data.model_type = ''
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#     ###################################################     BEGIN : Create Model     ####################################################
model_type = None # initialize the selected regression algorithm
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Reg = None  # initialize the regression model object
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# intervalls_with_cols = DataFrame()
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st.subheader("II - Model creation", divider = 'blue')
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if not spectra.empty and not y.empty:
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    c4, c5, c6 = st.columns([1, 1, 3])
    with c4:
        # select type of supervised modelling problem
        var_nature = ['Continuous', 'Categorical']
        mode ="The nature of the target variable :", options = var_nature)
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        # p_hash(mode)
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        match mode:
            case "Continuous":
                reg_algo = ["", "PLS", "LW-PLS", "TPE-iPLS"]
                st.markdown(f'Example1: Quantifying the volume of nectar consumed by a pollinator during a foraging session.')
                st.markdown(f"Example2: Measure the sugar content, amino acids, or other compounds in nectar from different flower species.")
            case 'Categorical':
                reg_algo = ["", "PLS", "LW-PLS", "TPE-iPLS", 'LDA']
                st.markdown(f"Example1: Classifying pollinators into categories such as bees, butterflies, moths, and beetles.")
                st.markdown(f"Example2: Classifying plants based on their health status, such as healthy, stressed, or diseased, using NIR spectral data.")
    with c5:
        model_type = c5.selectbox("Choose a modelling algorithm:", options = reg_algo, key = 12, format_func = lambda x: x if x else "<Select>")
    with c6:
        match model_type:
            case "PLS":
                st.markdown("#### For further details on the PLS (Partial Least Squares) algorithm, check the following reference:")
            case "LW-PLS":
                st.markdown("#### For further details on the LW-PLS (Locally Weighted - Partial Least Squares) algorithm, check the following reference:")
            case "TPE-iPLS":
                st.markdown("#### For further details on the TPE-iPLS (Tree-structured Parzen Estimator based interval-Partial Least Squares) algorithm, which is a wrapper method for interval selection, check the following references:")

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    # if  model_type != st.session_state.model_type:
    #     st.session_state.model_type = model_type
    #     increment()
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    # p_hash(model_type)
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    # Training set preparation for cross-validation(CV)
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    # Model creation-M20 columns
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    with c5:
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        def RequestingModelCreation(change):
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            # spectra_plot.savefig("./report/figures/spectra_plot.png")
            # target_plot.savefig("./report/figures/histogram.png")
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            # st.session_state['hash_Reg'] = str(np.random.randint(2000000000))
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            folds = KF_CV.CV(X_train, y_train, nb_folds)# split train data into nb_folds for cross_validation

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            match model_type:
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                case 'PLS':
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                    from utils.regress import Plsr
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                    Reg = Plsr(train = [X_train, y_train], test = [X_test, y_test], n_iter = 100, cv = nb_folds)
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                    # reg_model = Reg.model_
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                    rega = Reg.selected_features_

                case 'LW-PLS':
                    # export data to csv for Julia train/test
                    global x_train_np, y_train_np, x_test_np, y_test_np
                    data_to_work_with = ['x_train_np', 'y_train_np', 'x_test_np', 'y_test_np']
                    x_train_np, y_train_np, x_test_np, y_test_np = X_train.to_numpy(), y_train.to_numpy(), X_test.to_numpy(), y_test.to_numpy()
                    # Cross-Validation calculation
                    d = {}
                    for i in range(nb_folds):
                        d["xtr_fold{0}".format(i+1)], d["ytr_fold{0}".format(i+1)], d["xte_fold{0}".format(i+1)], d["yte_fold{0}".format(i+1)] = np.delete(x_train_np, folds[list(folds)[i]], axis=0), np.delete(y_train_np, folds[list(folds)[i]], axis=0), x_train_np[folds[list(folds)[i]]], y_train_np[folds[list(folds)[i]]]
                    # check best pre-treatment with a global PLSR model
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                    from utils.regress import Plsr
                    preReg = Plsr(train = [X_train, y_train], test = [X_test, y_test], n_iter=100)
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                    temp_path = Path('temp/')
                    with open(temp_path / "lwplsr_preTreatments.json", "w+") as outfile:
                        json.dump(preReg.best_hyperparams_, outfile)
                    # export Xtrain, Xtest, Ytrain, Ytest and all CV folds to temp folder as csv files
                    for i in data_to_work_with:
                        if 'fold' in i:
                            j = d[i]
                            j = globals()[i]
                            # st.write(j)
                        np.savetxt(temp_path / str(i + ".csv"), j, delimiter=",")
                    open(temp_path / 'model', 'w').close()
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                    # run Julia Jchemo as subprocess
                    import subprocess
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                    subprocess_path = Path("utils/")
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          [f"{sys.executable}", subprocess_path / ""])
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                    # retrieve json results from Julia JChemo
                        with open(temp_path / "lwplsr_outputs.json", "r") as outfile:
                            Reg_json = json.load(outfile)
                            # delete csv files
                            for i in data_to_work_with: os.unlink(temp_path / str(i + ".csv"))
                        # delete json file after import
                        os.unlink(temp_path / "lwplsr_outputs.json")
                        os.unlink(temp_path / "lwplsr_preTreatments.json")
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                        # format result data into Reg object
                        pred = ['pred_data_train', 'pred_data_test']### keys of the dict
                        for i in range(nb_folds):
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                            pred.append("CV" + str(i+1)) ### add cv folds keys to pred
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                        # global Reg
                        # Reg = type('obj', (object,), {'model_' : Reg_json['model'], 'best_hyperparams_' : Reg_json['best_lwplsr_params'],
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                        #                             'pred_data_' : [json_normalize(Reg_json[i]) for i in pred]})
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                        # global Reg
                        Reg = lw(Reg_json = Reg_json, pred = pred)
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                        # reg_model = Reg.model_
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                        Reg.CV_results_ = DataFrame()
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                        Reg.cv_data_ = {'YpredCV' : {}, 'idxCV' : {}}
                        # set indexes to Reg.pred_data (train, test, folds idx)
                        for i in range(len(pred)):
                            Reg.pred_data_[i] = Reg.pred_data_[i].T.reset_index().drop(columns = ['index'])
                            if i == 0: # data_train
                                # Reg.pred_data_[i] = np.array(Reg.pred_data_[i])
                                Reg.pred_data_[i].index = list(y_train.index)
                                Reg.pred_data_[i] = Reg.pred_data_[i].iloc[:,0]
                            elif i == 1: # data_test
                                # Reg.pred_data_[i] = np.array(Reg.pred_data_[i])
                                Reg.pred_data_[i].index = list(y_test.index)
                                Reg.pred_data_[i] = Reg.pred_data_[i].iloc[:,0]
                                # CVi
                                Reg.pred_data_[i].index = folds[list(folds)[i-2]]
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                                # Reg.CV_results_ = concat([Reg.CV_results_, Reg.pred_data_[i]])
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                                Reg.cv_data_['YpredCV']['Fold' + str(i-1)] = np.array(Reg.pred_data_[i]).reshape(-1)
                                Reg.cv_data_['idxCV']['Fold' + str(i-1)] = np.array(folds[list(folds)[i-2]]).reshape(-1)

                        Reg.CV_results_= KF_CV.metrics_cv(y = y_train, ypcv = Reg.cv_data_['YpredCV'], folds = folds)[1]
                        #### cross validation results print
                        Reg.best_hyperparams_print = Reg.best_hyperparams_
                        ## plots
                        Reg.cv_data_ = KF_CV().meas_pred_eq(y = np.array(y_train), ypcv = Reg.cv_data_['YpredCV'], folds = folds)
                        Reg.pretreated_spectra_ = preReg.pretreated_spectra_
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                        Reg.best_hyperparams_print = {**preReg.best_hyperparams_, **Reg.best_hyperparams_}
                        Reg.best_hyperparams_ = {**preReg.best_hyperparams_, **Reg.best_hyperparams_}

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                        Reg.__hash__ = ObjectHash(current = hash_,add = Reg.best_hyperparams_print)
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                    except FileNotFoundError as e:
                        Reg = None
                        for i in data_to_work_with: os.unlink(temp_path / str(i + ".csv"))

                case 'TPE-iPLS':
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                    from utils.regress import TpeIpls
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                    Reg = TpeIpls(train = [X_train, y_train], test=[X_test, y_test], n_intervall = s, n_iter=it, cv = nb_folds)
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                    # reg_model = Reg.model_
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                    global intervalls, intervalls_with_cols
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                    intervalls = Reg.selected_features_.T.copy()
                    intervalls_with_cols = Reg.selected_features_.T.copy().astype(str)
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                    for i in range(intervalls.shape[0]):
                        for j in range(intervalls.shape[1]):
                            intervalls_with_cols.iloc[i,j] = spectra.columns[intervalls.iloc[i,j]]
                    rega = Reg.selected_features_

                    st.session_state.intervalls = Reg.selected_features_.T
                    st.session_state.intervalls_with_cols = intervalls_with_cols
            return Reg

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        if model_type:
            info ='Info: The model is being created. This may take a few minutes.')
            if model_type == 'TPE-iPLS':# if model type is ipls then ask for the number of iterations and intervalls
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                s = st.number_input(label = 'Enter the maximum number of intervals', min_value = 1, max_value = 6)
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                it = st.number_input(label = 'Enter the number of iterations', min_value = 2, max_value = 500, value = 250)
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                s, it = None, None
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            hash_ = ObjectHash( current = hash_,add = str(s)+str(it))
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            remodel_button = st.button('re-model the data', key=4, help=None, type="primary", use_container_width=True, on_click=increment)
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            hash_ = ObjectHash(current = hash_, add = st.session_state.counter)
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            Reg = RequestingModelCreation(change = hash_)
            reg_model = Reg.model_
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            hash_ = hash(Reg)
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  'Info: Choose a modelling algorithm from the dropdown list!')
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        if model_type:
            if Reg:
                st.success('Success! Your model has been created and is ready to use.')
                st.error("Error: Model creation failed. Please try again.")
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        if model_type:
            if model_type == 'TPE-iPLS':
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                 if ('intervalls' and 'intervalls_with_cols') in st.session_state:
                    intervalls = st.session_state.intervalls
                    intervalls_with_cols = st.session_state.intervalls_with_cols
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    # remodel_button = st.button('re-model the data', key=4, help=None, type="primary", use_container_width=True)
    # if remodel_button:# remodel feature for re-tuning the model
    #     increment()
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    # fitted values and predicted  values 
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    yc = Reg.pred_data_[0]
    yt = Reg.pred_data_[1]

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    c7, c8 = st.columns([2 ,4])
    with c7:
        # Show and export the preprocessing methods
        st.write('-- Spectral preprocessing info --')
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        @st.cache_data(show_spinner =False)
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        def preprocessings(change):
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            with open('report/out/Preprocessing.json', "w") as outfile:
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                json.dump(Reg.best_hyperparams_, outfile)

        # Show the model performance table
        st.write("-- Model performance --")
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        if model_type != reg_algo[2]:
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            model_per = DataFrame(metrics(c = [y_train, yc], t = [y_test, yt], method = 'regression').scores_)
DIANE's avatar
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            model_per = DataFrame(metrics(c = [y_train, yc], t = [y_test, yt], method = 'regression').scores_)    
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    # M1.dataframe(model_per) # duplicate with line 371
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    @st.cache_data(show_spinner =False)
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    def prep_important(change, model_type, model_hash):
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        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize = (12, 4), sharex=True)
        ax1.plot(colnames, np.mean(X_train, axis = 0), color = 'black', label = 'Average spectrum (Raw)')
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        # if model_type != reg_algo[2]:
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        ax2.plot(colnames, np.mean(Reg.pretreated_spectra_ , axis = 0), color = 'black', label = 'Average spectrum (Pretreated)')
DIANE's avatar
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        for i in range(2):
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            eval(f'ax{i+1}').grid(color = 'grey', linestyle = ':', linewidth = 0.2)
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            eval(f'ax{i+1}').margins(x = 0)
            eval(f'ax{i+1}').legend(loc = 'upper right')
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            if model_type == 'TPE-iPLS':
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                a = change
                for j in range(s):
                    if np.array(spectra.columns).dtype.kind in ['i','f']:
DIANE's avatar
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                        min, max = intervalls_with_cols.iloc[j,0], intervalls_with_cols.iloc[j,1]
DIANE's avatar
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                        min, max = intervalls.iloc[j,0], intervalls.iloc[j,1]
DIANE's avatar
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                    eval(f'ax{i+1}').axvspan(min, max, color = '#00ff00', alpha = 0.5, lw = 0)
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        if model_type == 'PLS':
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            ax1.scatter(colnames[np.array(Reg.sel_ratio_.index)], np.mean(X_train, axis = 0).iloc[np.array(Reg.sel_ratio_.index)],
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                            color = '#7ab0c7', label = 'Important variables')
            ax2.scatter(colnames[Reg.sel_ratio_.index], np.mean(Reg.pretreated_spectra_, axis = 0)[np.array(Reg.sel_ratio_.index)],
                            color = '#7ab0c7', label = 'Important variables')
        return fig
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    with c8:## Visualize raw,preprocessed spectra, and selected intervalls(in case of ipls) 
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        if model_type =='TPE-iPLS' :
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                st.write('-- Important Spectral regions used for model creation --')
        st.write('-- Visualization of the spectral regions used for model creation --')
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        imp_fig = prep_important(change = st.session_state.counter, model_type = model_type, model_hash = hash_)
DIANE's avatar
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        # Display CV results
    numbers_dict = {1: "One", 2: "Two",3: "Three",4: "Four",5: "Five",
                    6: "Six",7: "Seven",8: "Eight",9: "Nine",10: "Ten"}
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    st.subheader(f" {numbers_dict[nb_folds]}-Fold Cross-Validation results")
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    @st.cache_data(show_spinner =False)
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    def cv_display(change):
        fig1 = px.scatter(Reg.cv_data_[0], x = 'Measured', y = 'Predicted' , trendline = 'ols', color = 'Folds', symbol = 'Folds',
        fig1.add_shape(type = 'line', x0 = .95 * min(Reg.cv_data_[0].loc[:,'Measured']), x1 = 1.05 * max(Reg.cv_data_[0].loc[:,'Measured']),
                        y0 = .95 * min(Reg.cv_data_[0].loc[:,'Measured']), y1 = 1.05 * max(Reg.cv_data_[0].loc[:,'Measured']), line = dict(color = 'black', dash = "dash"))
        fig1.update_traces(marker_size = 7, showlegend=False)
        fig0 = px.scatter(Reg.cv_data_[0], x ='Measured', y = 'Predicted' , trendline = 'ols', color = 'Folds', symbol = "Folds", facet_col = 'Folds',facet_col_wrap = 1,
                color_discrete_sequence = px.colors.qualitative.G10, text = 'index', width = 800, height = 1000)
        fig0.update_traces(marker_size = 8, showlegend = False)
        return fig0, fig1
    fig0, fig1 = cv_display(change= Reg.cv_data_)
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    cv1, cv2 = st.columns([2, 2])
    with cv2:
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        cv_results = DataFrame(Reg.CV_results_).round(4)# CV table
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        st.write('-- Cross-Validation Summary--')
        st.write(cv_results.astype(str) _: "background-color: #cecece;", subset = (cv_results.index.drop(['sd', 'mean', 'cv']), slice(None))))
        st.write('-- Out-of-Fold Predictions Visualization (All in one) --')
        st.plotly_chart(fig1, use_container_width = True)
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    with cv1:
        st.write('-- Out-of-Fold Predictions Visualization (Separate plots) --')
        st.plotly_chart(fig0, use_container_width=True)
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    ###################################################    BEGIN : Model Diagnosis    ####################################################
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st.subheader("III - Model Diagnosis", divider='blue')
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if Reg:
    # signal preprocessing results preparation for latex report
    prep_para = Reg.best_hyperparams_.copy()
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    if model_type != reg_algo[2]:
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        for i in ['deriv','polyorder']:
            if Reg.best_hyperparams_[i] == 0:
                prep_para[i] = '0'
            elif Reg.best_hyperparams_[i] == 1:
                prep_para[i] = '1st'
            elif Reg.best_hyperparams_[i] > 1:
                prep_para[i] = f"{Reg.best_hyperparams_[i]}nd"
    # reg plot and residuals plot
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    if model_type != reg_algo[2]:
        measured_vs_predicted = reg_plot([y_train, y_test],[yc, yt], train_idx = train_index, test_idx = test_index)
        residuals_plot = resid_plot([y_train, y_test], [yc, yt], train_idx = train_index, test_idx = test_index)
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        measured_vs_predicted = reg_plot([y_train, y_test],[yc, yt], train_idx = train_index, test_idx = test_index)
        residuals_plot = resid_plot([y_train, y_test], [yc, yt], train_idx=train_index, test_idx=test_index)
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    M7, M8 = st.columns([2,2])
    with M7:
        st.write('Predicted vs Measured values')
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        # regression_plot.savefig('./report/figures/measured_vs_predicted.png')
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    with M8:
        st.write('Residuals plot')
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        # residual_plot.savefig('./report/figures/residuals_plot.png')

###################################################      END : Model Diagnosis   #######################################################
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###################################################    BEGIN : Download results    #######################################################
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if Reg:
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    zip_data = ""
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    st.header('Download the analysis results')
    st.write("**Note:** Please check the box only after you have finished processing your data and are satisfied with the results. Checking the box prematurely may slow down the app and could lead to crashes.")
    decis = st.checkbox("Yes, I want to download the results")
    if decis:
        @st.cache_data(show_spinner =False)
        def export_report(change):
            match model_type:
                case 'PLS':
                        latex_report ='Predictive model development', file_name, stats, list(prep_para.values()), model_type, model_per, cv_results)
DIANE's avatar
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                case 'LW-PLS':
                        latex_report ='Predictive model development', file_name, stats,
                                                    list({key: Reg.best_hyperparams_[key] for key in ['deriv', 'normalization', 'polyorder', 'window_length'] if key in Reg.best_hyperparams_}.values()), model_type, model_per, cv_results)
                case 'TPE-iPLS':
                        latex_report ='Predictive model development', file_name, stats,
                                                    list({key: Reg.best_hyperparams_[key] for key in ['deriv', 'normalization', 'polyorder', 'window_length'] if key in Reg.best_hyperparams_}.values()), model_type, model_per, cv_results)
                case _:
                    st.warning('Data processing has not been performed or finished yet!', icon = "⚠️")

        @st.cache_data(show_spinner =False)
        def preparing_results_for_downloading(change):
            match file:
                # load csv file
                case 'csv':
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                    xfile.to_csv('report/out/dataset/'+, sep = ';', encoding = 'utf-8', mode = 'a')
                    yfile.to_csv('report/out/dataset/'+, sep = ';', encoding = 'utf-8', mode = 'a')
DIANE's avatar
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                case 'dx':
DIANE's avatar
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                    with open('report/out/dataset/', 'w') as dd:
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            with open('./report/out/model/'+ model_type + '.pkl','wb') as f:# export model
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                dump(reg_model, f)
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            figpath ='./report/out/figures/'
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            spectra_plot.savefig(figpath + "spectra_plot.png")
            target_plot.savefig(figpath + "histogram.png")
            imp_fig.savefig(figpath + "variable_importance.png")
            fig1.write_image(figpath + "meas_vs_pred_cv_all.png")
            fig0.write_image(figpath + "meas_vs_pred_cv_onebyone.png")
            measured_vs_predicted.savefig(figpath + 'measured_vs_predicted.png')
            residuals_plot.savefig(figpath + 'residuals_plot.png')
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            # with open('report/out/Preprocessing.json', "w") as outfile:
            #     json.dump(Reg.best_hyperparams_, outfile)
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            if model_type == 'TPE-iPLS': # export selected wavelengths
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                wlfilename = './report/out/model/'+ model_type+'-selected_wavelengths.xlsx'
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                all = concat([intervalls_with_cols.T, Reg.selected_features_], axis = 0,  ignore_index=True).T
DIANE's avatar
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                all.columns=['wl_from','wl_to','idx_from', 'idx_to']
            export_report(change = hash_)
DIANE's avatar
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            if Path("./report/report.tex").exists():
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                report.generate_report(change = hash_)
DIANE's avatar
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            if Path("./report/report.pdf").exists():
DIANE's avatar
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                move("./report/report.pdf", "./report/out/report.pdf")
            # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
            # pklfile = {'model_': Reg.model_,"model_type" : model_type, 'training_data':{'raw-spectra':spectra,'target':y, },
            #         'spec-preprocessing':{"normalization": Reg.best_hyperparams_['normalization'], 'SavGol(polyorder,window_length,deriv)': [Reg.best_hyperparams_["polyorder"],
            #                                                                                                                                    Reg.best_hyperparams_['window_length'],
            #                                                                                                                                    Reg.best_hyperparams_['deriv']]}}
            pklfile = {'model_': Reg.model_,"model_type" : model_type, 'data':{'raw-spectra':spectra,'target':y, 'training_data_idx':train_index,'testing_data_idx':test_index},
                    'spec-preprocessing':{"normalization": Reg.best_hyperparams_['normalization'], 'SavGol(polyorder,window_length,deriv)': [Reg.best_hyperparams_["polyorder"],
            if model_type == 'TPE-iPLS': # export selected wavelengths
                pklfile['selected-wls'] = {'idx':Reg.selected_features_.T , "wls":intervalls_with_cols }
            elif model_type == 'LW-PLS': # export LWPLS best model parameters
                pklfile['selected-wls'] = {'idx':None, "wls":None }
                pklfile['lwpls_params'] = Reg.best_hyperparams_
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                pklfile['selected-wls'] = {'idx':None, "wls":None }
            with open('./report/out/file_system.pkl', "wb") as pkl:
                dump(pklfile, pkl)

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            return change
        preparing_results_for_downloading(change = hash_)
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        @st.cache_data(show_spinner =False)
        def tempdir(change):
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            with  TemporaryDirectory( prefix="results", dir="./report") as temp_dir:# create a temp directory
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                tempdirname = os.path.split(temp_dir)[1]

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                if len(os.listdir('./report/out/figures/'))>2:
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                    make_archive(base_name="./report/Results", format="zip", base_dir="out", root_dir = "./report")# create a zip file
                    move("./report/", f"./report/{tempdirname}/")# put the inside the temp dir
DIANE's avatar
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                    with open(f"./report/{tempdirname}/", "rb") as f:
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                        zip_data =
            return tempdirname, zip_data

        try :
            tempdirname, zip_data = tempdir(change = hash_)
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    date_time ='%y%m%d%H%M')
    disabled_down = True if zip_data=='' else False
    st.download_button(label = 'Download', data = zip_data, file_name = f'Nirs_Workflow_{date_time}', mime ="application/zip",
                args = None, kwargs = None,type = "primary",use_container_width = True, disabled = disabled_down)

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    delete_files(keep = ['.py', '.pyc','.bib'])