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GUEGUEN Mikaël / ScientificPython MIMME Course
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalUpdated -
CEFE / PACE / NIRS_Workflow
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalProjet pôle numérique / PACE pour le traitement de données d'analyses chimiques en proche infra-rouge NIRS.
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Bridge Rss pour l'entrepôt de données https://entrepot.recherche.data.gouv.fr/
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Laboratoire de linguistique formelle / Materials / Morning Dev’
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v1.0Updated -
FAST / Semirings.jl
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.0Implementation of common semirings.
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cycle de conférences multidisciplinaires interne au CESBIO
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FAST / FiniteStateAutomata.jl
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1A finite state automata library.
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The goal of this project is to provide a 2D, 3D and multi-labels mutual shape estimation module compatible with the ITK library. Mutual shape estimation means calculating a consensus shape from several inputs coming from different segmentation entries or expert drawings. The multi-labels approach is useful to estimate mutual shapes composed of multiples labels in 2D or 3D. This is the first version of the module which was written in the Laboratory CREATIS, CNRS by A. Garcia under the supervision of S. Jehan-Besson (CREATIS, CNRS) and P. Clarysse (CREATIS, CNRS).
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DEBREUVE Eric / logger-36
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1Simple logger with a catalog of handlers
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This repository contains CFD RANS results for different simulations. The Reynolds number of each simulation is indicated in the name of the folder which contains the results (Overall, it spans between 50<Re<150). The "Cylinder" folder contains simulations in which the bluff body is a plain cylinder. The "Random shape" folder contains simulations in which the bluff body is randomly generated. The "Double cylinder" folder contains simulations in which there are 2 cylindrical bluff bodies (also referred to as 'flip flop') The "Shifted random shape" folder contains simulations in which the shape of the bluff body is randomly generated and it is randomly shifted in the computational domain.
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MEZZAROBBA Marc / diffopdb
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalA collection of differential operators
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DEBREUVE Eric / pyVispr
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1Updated -
La demande technique consiste donc à réaliser une unité de déclenchement au moyen d'un bouton poussoir ou d'une entrée TTL (trigger "in") commandant le déclenchement de la carte via une connexion par fibre optique, en remplacement du bouton poussoir actuellement implanté sur la carte.